The mythic and the mundane

For this chapter, we exult in the mythic and the mundane – why making something ordinary into something extraordinary is one of the most honest paths to human happiness. The tangible pleasure in using one’s own agency, hands, feelings and judgement to meld, shape, touch, handle and craft something unformed and turn it into something beautiful. Milk becomes cheese, fabric becomes clothing and paint on walls becomes a home.

Cassandra Ellis Cassandra Ellis

A boy on his bike

A boy – 13 or so, cycling to school. Arms folded, rucksack flung, damp combed hair and an easy smile. Sitting in traffic I watched him roll through, completely confident in his mode and with flair to spare.

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Cassandra Ellis Cassandra Ellis

The beauty of strength

Materiality, aesthetics, and practicality are the sensitive triangle of your needs that I think about all the time. I only want to make the minimum number of products with the best ingredients, but I also want them to serve the right purpose in your homes.

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Cassandra Ellis Cassandra Ellis

Tiny places of joy

There is a cupboard at the top of my home that is the keeper of many things. It is original to the house and is humble in its attic room design, as is the way of Georgian houses.

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Cassandra Ellis Cassandra Ellis

Four books for the little and big questions on life

Lazing at home has come to an end. Students piled onto trains on Sunday afternoon, children headed back to school, and we are mostly all back into our normal life routines – whether work, caring for others, or other life choices.

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Cassandra Ellis Cassandra Ellis

Keeping magic where it belongs

We know that there is magic in the world. It is easier to feel with the smaller things in life. A magnificent cup of coffee, the first December box of Quality Street, Christmas reindeer antlers on your Labrador…..

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Guest User Guest User

Finding your way

Think of the maps as a friend that always gives you a well counselled ‘thumbs up’. We all need friends like this.

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Guest User Guest User

Your home is good enough

I think if we reframe normal as good enough, then a ‘good’ home becomes generous and possibly the best it can be. A large collective sigh…

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