Your home is good enough

Yesterday I met and talked with someone I (and many of you) admire greatly. We talked of colour and paint and home. His home is very beautiful, but we still talked of getting it right and getting it wrong and being ok with all of this.

Some of us will have the good fortune of having a much bigger and fancier kitchen than others. That’s ok. Your street may be in a better postcode, but you have a tiny garden, or you may have an enormous garden on a perceived shabby street. That’s also ok.

You might be a good and kind person but be absolutely abysmal at picking the right colour for your bedroom. This isn’t failure, it’s just normal. I have always wanted to be an amazing gardener – I recently realised I am decidedly average, which as failure goes is quite freeing. I will stick to growing flowers and admiring others unique talent. 

I think if we reframe normal as good enough, then a ‘good’ home becomes generous and possibly the best it can be. A large collective sigh…

Sadhika as a colour was borne of the idea of goodness – in all meanings of what good is. I painted my garden table in Sadhika. I can see its happy form from my bedroom window, and I can sit around it with my friends, family, books and dogs. That’s good enough for me.


Cassandra x


Painting well - Part one


The pleasure of making something exist that didn’t exist before