Chapter 1

The abundance of the present

Our theme for our first chapter is abundance. It feels right to think of abundance at this time of year. A veritable glut of produce as well as high holiday consumption of a sort, mingling with holiday thinking time. There is nothing like hot weather to make you do nothing but think deeply. Thinking abundant is a wonderful way to live. It sits apart from having abundant, but feels more like eating the best tomato/ice cream/hot grapes from the vine of your life.

The abundance of the present
1.4 Cassandra Ellis 1.4 Cassandra Ellis

The abundance of the present

It is easy to be ensnared by the desire for more. More rooms, more money to buy more things to fill those rooms and more recognition for having said ‘things’. Sometimes this ‘more’ is thought of as abundant and to have less than this feels meagre.

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