Afternoon snacks of bread & butter

This morning, teenagers were lolling at bus stops. Skirts rolled and fringes newly flopped. Small children gripping parents’ hands, new back packs and sparkly pencil cases ready. Today will be a day of days for all.  A shift of seasons, but a shift of place and space too. 

When I was at school, coming home meant afternoon snacks of bread and butter – or toast and butter depending on where the bread was at. Sometimes jam, sometimes marmite - but always lots of butter.        And time with my mum, or sisters or both. Simple, comforting, home. 

You don’t know that these talks around the table of math dilemmas, and friendship dramas and the ‘state of your room’ debates will stop. Time passes, the tempo alters and we grow up and on.

A slice of good bread and butter is still one of the most delicious and evocative meals we choose to eat.      This is the heart of our Bread & Butter.  A sentimental, simple colour full of goodness.

Happy new season.

Cassandra x

Photography by Ellen Christina Hancock


Two courgettes and good ingredients for paint


Thinking of jam on toast on a sulky March Sunday.